
FLY CARLSON Aerial Broadcasting helps novice pilots and people who want to learn how to fly a radio-controlled model airplanes, helicopters and copters, learn the basics of flight alphabet.

If you are firmly decided to become a pilot myself, you – to us!

In addition to theoretical studies, usually it takes 3 to 10 workshops, to start solo flights. Everything depends on the commitment and perseverance of the novice pilot to master rather complicated control technique. Having already quite a lot of experience different aircraft control (more than 9 years of experience and more than 4,000 hours of flight), one of the most experienced pilots of Ukraine – DMYTRO KOLOS – will help to fulfill your dream of heaven and share their “secrets” and skills. Each type of aircraft has its own characteristics and demandsм of different levels of training. The approach to teaching exclusively individual. We can teach you to fly as simple quadrocopters, and the most difficult to master 3D helicopters. In our park there are various educational aircrafts, with which you and will start his first solo flight. And can continue to fly longer on their own models. If you have already mastered the technique of flight, but want to improve yours skills and abilities, our school will help you to discover the new features of your aircraft. Naturally, practice is very much dependent on the “Flight of weather” and our, and your opportunity to stand out in his work schedule the required time. But as they say, it would  wish. Contacts you have. See you at the airfield!

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